Technical Debt, the Slow Death

May 15, 2024


Gašpar Nagy
Founder & CEO

For fast-growing companies, technical debt is not just a minor inconvenience; it's a looming catastrophe that can decimate your business if ignored. The exponential growth you're experiencing might feel like a victory, but beneath the surface, unresolved technical debt is festering, threatening to undo all your hard work.

The Unseen Threat

Technical debt is like a ticking time bomb. It comprises all the shortcuts, quick fixes, and deferred maintenance that your team accumulated to meet deadlines and fuel growth. This debt isn't just a minor issue; it's a massive liability that grows more dangerous every day. Conway’s Law tells us that systems are constrained by their organizational structure, meaning technical debt often reflects deeper systemic issues within the company.

The Real Costs

  1. Skyrocketing Expenses: Technical debt leads to spiraling maintenance costs. Your developers waste countless hours patching up old systems instead of innovating. Every hour spent on maintenance is an hour not spent on growth, and those hours add up to significant financial losses​. The longer you delay addressing these issues, the more expensive they become, exponentially increasing the cost of remediation​.
  2. Customer Exodus: Poor performance and frequent bugs caused by technical debt will drive your customers away. In today's competitive market, users have zero tolerance for unreliable products. Every crash, glitch, or slow load time pushes your customers closer to your competitors. Studies show that users are likely to abandon a product after just one bad experience, leading to increased churn rates and a tarnished brand reputation​.
  3. Innovation Stagnation: Your ability to innovate grinds to a halt under the weight of technical debt. Developers are too bogged down fixing old problems to focus on new features. Your product roadmap becomes a series of delays and broken promises, leading to lost market opportunities and a tarnished reputation​. Innovation is the lifeblood of growth, and technical debt slowly suffocates it.
  4. Reputation Damage: Consistent issues and a failing user experience lead to a damaged reputation. Negative reviews and word-of-mouth criticism can destroy the trust you've built with your customers. Once your reputation is damaged, it's a steep uphill battle to regain it. Customers remember bad experiences longer than good ones, and word travels fast in today's interconnected world​.
  5. Security Vulnerabilities: Neglecting technical debt can create severe security vulnerabilities. Outdated code and systems are prime targets for cyberattacks, putting sensitive customer data at risk and exposing your company to legal and financial repercussions. High-profile breaches can devastate customer trust and result in regulatory penalties that compound your losses.

Meta-Problems Caused by Technical Debt

Technical debt causes increasing complexity and unpredictability in your codebase. As complexity grows, so does the time required to modify the system, creating a vicious cycle of inefficiency and mounting debt. This entropy, or randomness in the system, leads to more errors, slower performance, and ultimately a product that is hard to maintain and scale​.

Impact on Product Management

Product development must be managed with a clear focus on customer needs and market demands. However, technical debt slows down the ability to deliver new features, impacting the overall quality and speed of product releases. This delay not only frustrates customers but also hinders the company’s ability to stay competitive​. Product managers need to allocate a sensible budget for tech debt in every sprint to ensure a balance between shipping new features and maintaining code quality.

Impact on Sales Teams

Sales teams rely on the promise of new and improved features to win deals against competitors. When technical debt hinders the release of these features, sales efforts are directly impacted. Unable to deliver on promises, the sales team loses credibility and deals, affecting the company's revenue and market position​.

Impact on Marketing and PR

Marketing campaigns depend on predictable product release schedules. Technical debt disrupts this predictability, causing delays that can ruin marketing strategies and campaigns. A notable example is TSB’s database migration failure, which caused massive customer disruptions and tarnished the bank's reputation. Ensuring technical debt is managed allows marketing to operate smoothly and avoids PR disasters.

Impact on HR

Engineers working on debt-ridden codebases are often unhappy, leading to high turnover rates. Recruiting and training new engineers is costly and time-consuming. Maintaining a healthy codebase by managing technical debt helps retain talent, ensuring a more stable and productive workforce​.

Impact on Finance

Technical debt has significant financial implications, including lost deals, customer churn, employee turnover, and increased maintenance costs. Engineers spend about 33% of their time dealing with technical debt, which translates to substantial financial losses for the company. Additionally, delayed product releases can significantly impact revenue growth, making timely debt management crucial for financial health.

The Consequences of Inaction

Failing to address technical debt is akin to letting rot spread through the foundation of your house. Eventually, the structure will collapse, leaving you with an uninhabitable wreck. Here’s what you risk if you don't act now:

  • Loss of Competitive Edge: While you're stuck fixing old problems, your competitors are innovating. They will outpace you, capturing your market share and leaving you irrelevant. This competitive disadvantage can quickly turn your business from a market leader to an industry laggard.
  • Financial Drain: The cost of fixing technical debt increases exponentially over time. What might cost a little now will cost a fortune later, draining your resources and stifling your ability to invest in growth​. This financial burden can lead to budget cuts in critical areas, further compounding the problem.
  • Business Collapse: In extreme cases, technical debt can lead to complete business failure. If your product becomes unusable and your reputation unsalvageable, you risk shutting down entirely. Many companies have found themselves unable to recover from the compounded effects of unresolved technical debt.

Act Now Before It's Too Late

You cannot afford to ignore technical debt. It’s a slow death that will dismantle your business from the inside out. Addressing it requires immediate, decisive action. Here are key strategies to mitigate this risk:

  1. Incremental Refactoring: Incorporate incremental refactoring into your development process. This means addressing technical debt continuously rather than deferring it. This approach requires a cultural shift where refactoring is seen as an integral part of development, not an afterthought. Regularly scheduled refactoring sessions can prevent small issues from becoming major problems.
  2. Maintain a Technical Debt Backlog: Keeping a detailed and up-to-date backlog of technical debt helps in prioritizing and systematically addressing it. This backlog should be reviewed regularly to ensure critical debt items are not ignored​. Prioritizing this backlog helps you focus on the most impactful issues first, making incremental improvements that deliver significant benefits over time.
  3. Implement Automated Testing: Automated testing frameworks, including unit tests, integration tests, and regression tests, can catch issues early and ensure that new code does not introduce additional debt. This practice improves code quality and reduces the likelihood of introducing new debt. Investing in a robust automated testing infrastructure can save countless hours of manual testing and error correction.
  4. Adopt Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): CI/CD practices help in early detection of issues and enforce higher code quality standards. These practices support faster and more reliable deployments, reducing the chances of accumulating technical debt. CI/CD pipelines enable rapid iterations, ensuring that new features are deployed quickly while maintaining a high standard of code quality.
  5. Governance and Accountability: Establish strong governance frameworks to oversee technical debt management. This involves setting clear ownership, defining roles, and incorporating technical debt management into your strategic planning and budgeting processes. Effective governance ensures that technical debt is addressed systematically and that resources are allocated appropriately.


For fast-growing companies, technical debt is an inevitable part of the development process. However, ignoring it can lead to a slow and painful decline in your system’s performance, security, and scalability. By proactively managing technical debt through continuous refactoring, maintaining a dedicated debt backlog, implementing robust testing practices, and establishing strong governance, companies can mitigate the risks associated with technical debt and pave the way for sustainable growth and innovation.

Addressing technical debt isn't just about fixing old problems; it's about setting your company up for future success by ensuring your technical foundation is solid, scalable, and secure. Don't let technical debt be a slow death for your business. Take action now to ensure a healthier, more resilient digital infrastructure.

Ignoring technical debt is like playing Russian roulette with your business. Take action today to ensure your company’s survival and continued growth. The time to act is now, before the cost becomes insurmountable and the consequences irreversible. Your business's future depends on it.