The Year of Progression at Techmates: Charting HR Directions for 2024
April 1, 2024

As the year 2023 was a landmark in Techmates' growth, we step into 2024 with the ambition to harness this expansion for the advancement and progress of every sector, including Human Resources.Our foremost HR objective is to cultivate an environment that not only attracts but also retains talent. We are dedicated to fostering a setting where the well-being and preferences of our people are a priority, supporting the continuous growth of our business while upholding the values of trust and adaptability that our culture prizes. Our strategy for the year is articulated through five key areas: HR Analytics, Employee Engagement, both Internal and External Employer Branding, and Group Cohesion.
HR Analytics
The Q1 is pivotal for strategic planning for the forthcoming years. This involves an introspective analysis of the past year’s achievements to inform data-driven planning. The previous year’s job design initiatives led to a notable retention rate, presenting us with the challenge of sustaining or elevating such metrics in the subsequent periods. The growth in the company's size has naturally led to an increase in recruitment costs. This calls for an assessment of the efficacy of our current hiring practices, paving the way for a focus on content creation in Q1 and Q2. The aim is to design employer branding initiative in Q3, ensuring our external communications reflect the evolving culture and market trends.
Employee Engagement
In Techmates, we believe that the role of the HR Manager extends beyond strategic planning to being an advocate for our workforce. Prior to the rollout of our Employer Branding initiative, we will integrate employee feedback to refine our campaign, ensuring the content authentically represents Techmates to the external audience. Techmates’ HR department stands on the foundational value of transparency, fostering open communication regarding data insights and decision-making reasons. We are committed to treating each employee as equal, through honesty.
Employer Branding
In Q3, we intend to enrich our digital presence with a sequence of authentic videos across our online platforms. Recognizing the unparalleled power of visual media in today’s digital age, we will leverage it to convey our company's culture and the stories of our people, together with their faces, emotions and subjective opinions which otherwise one can´t see behind a company logo. In order to create such outstanding media content, media obtained thorough Q1 and Q2 during company teambuildings, workshops and interviews with current personnel will be used to best showcase the current way of life in Techmates. To ensure a consistent narrative between employee experiences and our public image, we will share our employer branding efforts internally as well, thus aligning expectations with the actual Techmates experience.
Group Cohesion
While regular team-building activities are a scheduled on quarterly basis throughout the year at Techmates, it is during the final quarter that we take a moment to reflect and revel in our collective accomplishments. As we set our sights on elevating the company, we equally prioritize celebrating our milestones and relishing the journey of Techmates’ evolution.