Why and When Is It Necessary to Rewrite an Application for Your Ecommerce Business?

October 15, 2024


Adam Nagy

In the fast-evolving world of ecommerce, staying competitive often means constantly improving the digital experience for your customers. But sometimes, the path to improvement is blocked by an aging application or legacy system. Deciding to rewrite an application is a major business decision, often involving high costs and significant time. Yet, the risks of not addressing an outdated application can be far more damaging.

This post will explore why and when a rewrite is necessary and the potential consequences of delaying that decision.

Why Rewrite an Application?

1. Performance Bottlenecks Impact Customer Experience

If your application struggles to handle increased traffic or order volumes, customers will feel the pain through slow page loads, checkout failures, or general usability issues. These performance bottlenecks can lead to lost sales, abandoned carts, and, ultimately, a poor reputation for your ecommerce platform.

Case Study:
A midsize online retailer noticed a significant increase in website abandonment during flash sales. Despite marketing investments, the company saw a 20% decrease in conversion rates. After investigation, it was found that the outdated application couldn’t handle the surge in traffic, leading to lag times and frequent crashes. The company opted for a complete rewrite, resulting in a 40% increase in conversion rates during high-traffic periods.

2. Scalability Limits Growth

Ecommerce businesses that fail to scale their applications with business growth face stagnation. If your current system can't support new features or integrate with modern tools and APIs, you're limiting your company's ability to expand. A rewrite can offer an opportunity to build for future needs, making your platform more adaptable.

An emerging fashion brand experienced rapid growth but faced challenges in offering personalized shopping experiences. Their legacy application couldn’t integrate with advanced recommendation engines, which were critical for scaling customer engagement. A rewrite opened the door to modern tools, enabling more personalized services, driving engagement, and increasing customer loyalty.

3. Maintenance Costs Are Draining Resources

Older applications often require more maintenance, with technical teams spending disproportionate amounts of time patching bugs, fixing performance issues, or managing security vulnerabilities. These hidden costs can quietly eat into your bottom line, diverting resources from innovation.

When your maintenance costs outpace the investment in new features or product growth, it’s a strong signal that rewriting the application might be a more cost-effective solution in the long run.

4. Security Risks Grow Unmanageable

Ecommerce platforms handle sensitive data, including customer personal information and payment details. If your application is built on outdated technology, you might struggle to meet modern security standards. Not addressing this could expose your business to data breaches, leading to legal repercussions, loss of customer trust, and damaged brand reputation.

Common Misconceptions About Rewriting an Application

Misconception 1: "A Rewrite Means Pausing Business Operations"

Many business owners fear that rewriting an application will require halting operations for extended periods. However, with modern approaches like parallel development, it’s possible to build a new version while maintaining the old one, ensuring your business continues to function with minimal disruption.

Misconception 2: "It’s Too Expensive"

While the initial cost of rewriting an application may seem high, delaying the rewrite could result in escalating costs over time. Unpredictable maintenance and patching costs can exceed the controlled investment of a planned rewrite.

Misconception 3: "We Can Just Patch the Existing System Forever"

Every patch you apply to a legacy system adds complexity and increases the likelihood of introducing new issues. Eventually, a system becomes too brittle to support new business needs, at which point a full rewrite becomes not just advisable, but necessary.

When to Rewrite an Application?

Knowing when to act is as crucial as recognizing the need for a rewrite. Here are some indicators:

  • Frequent Downtime: If your platform suffers from outages or crashes, and quick fixes no longer suffice, it’s time to explore rewriting the application.
  • Inability to Add New Features: When adding a new feature or third-party integration takes far too long or isn’t feasible, it's a clear sign the underlying architecture is outdated.
  • Declining Customer Satisfaction: If you’re seeing a rise in customer complaints regarding site performance, checkout issues, or general usability, it’s time to reevaluate your system’s effectiveness.
  • Technical Debt Overload: When technical debt—the hidden costs of code shortcuts and legacy architecture—becomes unmanageable, it can stall innovation and disrupt operations.


For many ecommerce businesses, the decision to rewrite an application is difficult, but delaying can lead to significant long-term damage. The cost of poor performance, limited scalability, and security vulnerabilities often outweigh the investment in a well-timed rewrite. If your business is facing similar issues, contact us, and we can provide you with guidance tailored to your specific challenges.