Our work

Your success is our success

"We are extremely satisfied with the work that the Techmates team has done in designing the architecture and developing the frontend of our NPL platform. The collaboration was smooth, based on good communication and a personal approach, and led to the successful completion of the project. I also positively evaluate their work on the subsequent maintenance and development of our platform."
Ing. Ph.D. Tomáš Brychcín
Co-founder & CEO in SentiSquare
"The Techmates team has been responsible for the development of the frontend of our website and mobile app for over a year now. During that time, they have become our true partners, delivering excellent and quality work, with seamless communication, and most importantly, always accommodating our requirements."
Agust Thorkelsson
Co-Founder & CEO in Sideline Sports
"Collaboration with Techmates is at a very high level. Their approach to the project is not so much on the supplier-customer axis, but rather on the level of 'partners who have a common goal,' which I, as a project leader, extremely appreciate because it is definitely not common with other suppliers and it greatly facilitates mutual collaboration and cooperation."
Bartoš Petr
Co-founder & COO in Partners
"At the beginning of our collaboration with Techmates, we had high expectations regarding their approach and quality of work. However, our cooperation so far shows that it works very well. Moreover, if needed, we can reach out for additional expertise such as DevOps, for which we don't have specialists in our team. This is how I envision the role of a strategic partner."
Honza Páv
Founder & Product Manager in Nautie
"As a startup company, we greatly appreciate our collaboration with Techmates. Their experienced team participated in planning, defining requirements, designing the architecture, as well as implementing the web application and individual features. Thanks to this holistic approach, our company saved a lot of costs. The communication was always perfect."
Michaela Mrázková
Founder of Health-base

Established brands and startups

Who trust us

We focus on projects for both starting startups and established brands. We are dedicated to long-term partnerships with our clients.