XPS Network

Navigating Technical Debt and Architectural Missteps in Application Development

Sideline Sports has revolutionized sports management and coaching for two decades, enhancing organizational efficiency and communication through its main product, the XPS Network coaching platform. This platform is trusted by the world’s leading sports clubs and organizations, facilitating crucial data access for strategic decision-making. Sideline Sports is committed to continuous innovation, aiming to provide advanced software solutions for coaches and teams worldwide as it pioneers the future of sports performance technology.

The Challenge

Sideline Sports faced significant hurdles while attempting to replace an aging Angular-based application. The internal team’s lack of necessary technical expertise was compounded by the inconsistent output from a group of freelancers, resulting in a partially functional application that fell short of expectations. This scattered approach not only slowed the development speed but also delayed the launch of new features, crucial for staying competitive in the market.

Complicating matters further, an initial poor architectural choice negatively affected the code quality, leading to an accumulation of technical debt from the outset and frequent errors within the application. These challenges highlighted the urgent need for a strategic overhaul in both the development process and architectural framework to enhance go-to-market speed and application reliability.

  • Go to market speed
  • Speed of development
  • Application errors
OUR Solution
Streamlining Development and Maximizing Revenue through Expert Integration and Agile Methodologies

To tackle the multifaceted challenges faced by Sideline Sports, we assembled a dedicated team of senior frontend developers led by a seasoned technical lead. This team established daily communication channels with the client to ensure alignment and swift decision-making.

We conducted a thorough analysis of the existing codebase and devised a dual-strategy plan that prioritized both the refactoring of the legacy system and the continuous development of new features. This balanced approach ensured that improvements to the application's stability and functionality were made without delaying the introduction of innovative features critical to market success.

Leveraging agile methodologies, the team achieved remarkable development velocity, significantly reducing time-to-market for new features. This rapid deployment capability, coupled with strategic marketing efforts, resulted in a spectacular 40x increase in revenue, demonstrating the profound impact of effective technical leadership and agile practices on business outcomes.

  • 40x revenue increase
  • Expert development team
  • Dual-strategy plan