Let's scale without the pain!

With a decade of experience we are your technical partner in growth.
Let’s scale
Let’s scale
Complex software solutions for comprehensive modernization and development of your business

We empower businesses to scale seamlessly by optimizing processes and software through advanced AI and automation. If your rapid growth has made your current systems a bottleneck, we provide the expertise to ensure you continue to thrive.

Industries We serve

Our expertise


Are your e-shop loading time too long, resulting in poor customer experience? Or does your e-shop subscription no longer suit your needs? We have a solution that will enhance your growth, speed up your site, and increase conversions.

Investment Platforms

Do you face technical debt on your platform? If not, perhaps you just haven't recognized it yet. Maybe you rely on a platform to operate your app, meaning you don't own your app's code and are reliant on it. This poses a significant business problem. Interested in finding a solution? Let us know, time is ticking.

Subscription Services

Is your team falling behind in adding features to your app, resulting in lost revenue? Are your current processes and technology holding you from the growth you want? We specialize in accelerating your business with cleaner code, enabling you to grow as quickly as possible.

Reach out to us if you have any questions or specific requests

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What sets us apart?

our strong side

Zero-day Adaption
We don't spend months to get introduced with your projects. We're immediately ready to build with you.
Technical Debt Avengers
We destroy technical debt. And we do it efficiently. Nothing can stop us to make the code future proof.
Business-centric Development
We build products that drive your business forward. Your success is our first and constant requirement.
End-to-end Project Ownership
We cover all the fronts. When working with us you don't need others to fill in the gaps.
beyond development

Established brands and startups

Who trust us

We focus on projects for both starting startups and established brands. We are dedicated to long-term partnerships with our clients.